[Rindang Yuliani]
Key words: Environmental damage, human activities, forest, industry
Some human activities can cause environmental damage. Mines which do not pay attention to environmental sustainability in the absence of rehabilitation of former mine pit are the biggest cause of environmental damage. Indiscriminate felling of forests, which do not pay attention to the balance of the ecosystem is a trigger for environmental damage. Hunt of wildlife is other human activity which would result in shortage until the extinction of animals. Disposal of inorganic garbage in fault place is a phenomenon can cause environmental damage too because the decay time-consuming hundreds of years. The last cause of environmemntal damage is a variety of chemical waste which comes out of the industries. All is a time bomb which will gradually destroy the humans. Making the world of education as a medium to spread the love environment "virus" is a very good idea for keeping natural environment. Planting one tree in every yard of the house is also an alternative solution which can be done.
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gurugeografi.id |
Increasingly, environmental damage is more severe. Environmental damage is not free from human intervention under the pretext of destroying nature to use it for life. The impact of human intervention is very large. Just kill yourself, damage the environment with the natural hurt and could be slowly killing nature. Since nature has provided what the human need for this. Then from where humans can live, if nature as the source of life eventually die?
Some human activities can cause environmental damage. Mines which do not pay attention to environmental sustainability in the absence of rehabilitation of former mine pit are the biggest cause of environmental damage. Indiscriminate felling of forests, which do not pay attention to the balance of the ecosystem is a trigger for environmental damage. Hunt of wildlife is other human activity which would result in shortage until the extinction of animals. Disposal of inorganic garbage in fault place is a phenomenon can cause environmental damage too because the decay time-consuming hundreds of years. The last cause of environmemntal damage is a variety of chemical waste which comes out of the industries. All is a time bomb which will gradually destroy the humans.
Facts of environmental damage are caused by human activities are too many. For example is deforestation which reduces the absorption of carbon by trees increase of carbon emissions by 20% and changes the local micro-climate and hydrological cycle, thus affecting soil fertility. Yet soil contains as many as 24 billion tons of carbon and CO2 emissions of Indonesia's forests contributed 2.6 billion tons per year, although it also contains 19 billion tons of carbon.
Environmental damage was rise by the boom of industries. Smoke-black smoke poured from the factory chimneys. Chemical wastes discharged into the river just like that, to the sea or into the ground. Number of vehicles which pollute the air more and more crowded urban areas. Electric generating machinery, production machinery and various other machinesto spread the heat into the environment. All of that contributed to environmental damage. The most alarming symptom of the industrial revolution is the increased temperature of the earth’s surface. Ideally, the average of temperature on Earth is about 16’C. However, centuries ago recorded the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere rose 0.6 'C. It is estimated that this phenomenon is not immediately anticipated, the earth will experience a more serious increase, of 0.8'C - 3'C.
There is should a serious efforts to repair environmental damage and cultivate love of the environment from all sides. Making the world of education as a medium to spread the love environment "virus" is a very good idea. Because in this world (world of education), there are millions of Indonesian children who study and will become major people in the various fields in the future. Because the factors of the decision makers for environmental harm is also noteworthy.
Actual legislation on environmental issues has been widely made and approved only the 'mafia environment' is also still much to act on. For example is UU No. 32 Tahun 2009 about the protection and environmental management. The perpetrators who violate provisions of the law, the shrimp will get the punishment that has been listed there. Other legislation on the environment is Keputusan Bapedal Nomor 08 Tahun 2000 about regarding public involvement and information disclosure process of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Expected with the presence of this rule, will make any company that will open mining area or forest management can open and involve all parties, especially the community and environmentalists. Policy makers and providers of licensing is also expected to "clean" from all forms of black cases, the expense of the environment for the sake of material gains alone.
Planting trees is the easiest solution which can be done at this time. Forest, an ecosystem which is mostly composed of trees and as the lungs of the world, now is widely used by humans as an economic resource, ignoring the ecological side. Hence the need for reforestation efforts towards the forests bare. Movement to plant a thousand trees should not just slogans issued only to fly. Planting one tree in every yard of the house is also an alternative solution which can be done.
Various studies have shown one acre of Green Open Space (Ruang Terbuka Hijau) is filled with large trees produce 0.6 tons of O2 for 1.500 inhabitants/day, absorb 2,5 tons CO2/year (6 kg CO2/stem/year), saving 900 m3 of ground water/year, transferring water 4000 liters/day, lowering the temperature 5°C-8°C, reduce noise 25-80% and reduce 75-80% wind power. Each car is issued gas emissions can be absorbed by four mature trees (height 10m to the top, stem diameter over 10 cm, canopy width, thick-leaved).
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bagiartikel24.blogspot.com |
The impact of environmental damage caused by human has triggered the Global Warming. Forest management is at fault and cause the tropical forests were destroyed and did not provide significant benefits both for the government as well as for residents in the vicinity. The entrepreneurs who make profits are arbitrarily destroyed the forest became a place to store water and produce oxygen for living organisms and the living flora and fauna. Mismanagement led to catastrophic flooding and other environmental impacts, the people who are poor and remain poor even deeper into poverty because of its forests have been destroyed. Increase in the global temperature can not be prevented anymore and that climate change may already be happening now. Besides the main cause is the presence of excessive consumption. Not by 80% of poor in 2 / 3 parts of the world, but by 20% of the population that consumes 86% richer than all the world's resources. Kerosene into gas can also be taken as an example that the government's unpreparedness in the infrastructure as well as socialization, causing many villagers use firewood again by reaching the forest, because they are difficult to obtain cooking gas and kerosene, and gas prices continue to soar. Election Campaign can cause environmental damage too, because the election could be a contributor of funds contributed by the employers of illegal logging as a money laundering efforts.
Until this happens when do environmental damage? Maybe when all the resources which exist in the environment have been exhausted, the new man will clean up to repair the damage that has already occurred.[]
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Accessed on September, 21th 2011
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Accessed on September, 21th 2011
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